Clinical Service Center 2023 DIA Conclusion

Leave again - innovation, Clinical Service Center China international conference on drug information of oerlikon participation DIA annual meeting and exhibition looking back

From June 16 to June 19, 2023, the China International Drug Information Conference DIA Annual Meeting & Exhibition with the theme of "Promoting and accelerating the implementation of ICH Guiding Principles in China" was held in Suzhou International Expo Center.

On June 17, deputy chief of the state drug administration Zhao Junning line of people visit Clinical Service Center booth, and expand exchange. Director Zhao asked about the innovation achievements of the company in the field of integration and internationalization of clinical research services, and listened carefully to the introduction of Mr. Liu Chuan, chairman of Beijing Collin Medical Research Co., LTD.


"Entering a New Chapter of E6 GCP reform", "Data Science", "Development trend of clinical trial digital platform", "Future talent development of clinical data", "Multi-party cooperation and win-win cooperation in clinical trial operation", "blind management and blind data processing of clinical trials", "Multi-Party cooperation and win-win cooperation in clinical trial operation" and other keynote speeches were successfully carried out. Experts and scholars gathered together to express their views.


At the sub-forum themed "Data Science" with Dr. Chuan Liu, Chief Scientific Officer, and Dr. Hualong Sun, Chief Operating Officer, as the topic leaders, they talked about the continuous emergence of new technologies in the context of the digital era to promote the development of clinical research towards information, automation, digitalization and intelligence. In this process of change, clinical research related staff need to make use of their professional knowledge and actively combine new technologies to improve the work of various links, including clinical data management, such as intelligent data collection, automated database construction, real-time data cleaning, dynamic data management workflow control, efficiency management and other links. This Workshop program invited international and domestic industry experts, including clinical institution managers, IT technicians, data management, biostatistics and programming professionals, to discuss the application, practice and exploration of intelligent digital technology in data management, and to explore how to better improve ourselves in the tide of technological change.


Dr. Hualong Sun, Chief Operating Officer of Collin Ricom Medical Research Co., LTD., said in the topic "Blind Management of Clinical trials and blind data processing" that randomized controlled clinical trials are the gold standard of clinical trials and the type of trials with the highest level of evidence in evidence-based medicine. Wang Xiao, deputy general manager of Meida Clinical Data Technology Co., LTD., also expressed his views on "blind editing and blind data management precautions" and discussed with other experts. Sun said another indispensable factor in randomized controlled trials is the blind setting. At the same time, the process of blind data processing also runs through the whole process of clinical trials. The management of blind data is often accompanied by the limitation of blind data, the maintenance of blind data and a series of cross-departmental work, which is self-evident in its importance and difficulty. The standardization of relevant processes is also one of the issues concerned by the regulatory authorities. The ICH guidelines state that blindness and randomization are the most important ways to avoid bias in clinical trials. Domestic regulatory authorities have also successively issued a number of guiding principles on the setting of randomization and blind method, which have repeatedly pointed out that randomization can effectively avoid the predictability of grouping and better avoid bias in experimental operation and judgment only when combined with blind method. Therefore, it can be said that in the process of clinical trials, the setting and maintenance of blindness is one of the key elements in clinical trials.


Dr. Sun Hualong, Chief Operating Officer of Collinecon Medical Research Co., LTD., and Liu Yongliang, Project Director of Clinical Operations Center, also delivered a speech on "Multi-Party cooperation in clinical trial operation". Professor Sun pointed out that the implementation of clinical trials involves different participants such as sponsors, CROs, research institutions and SMOs, and the smooth promotion and high-quality delivery of a clinical trial cannot be separated from the close cooperation of the participants. Professor Sun discussed how to optimize the process, control risks, communicate and cooperate closely from different perspectives of research institutions, sponsors or clinical operations teams of CRO, and SMO, with the aim of promoting the rapid progress of clinical trials and ensuring high-quality delivery of clinical data. Clinical Service Center medical research co., LTD XiXiaoLi for 'clinical data management talent development also published his unique view on the talent market, she points out that the current industry enterprises for frequent adjustment and optimization of organizational structure, the decrease in the number of hiring, recruitment process tends to slow. In such an environment, the stability of talents requires improvement, and those with complex and high comprehensive quality will be more favored. In addition, there are several pressures from economic and market competition, and clinical data management talents are facing unprecedented crises and challenges. How to turn crisis into opportunity at the industry, enterprise and talent level, convert these into power and resources for development, and promote the innovation of the industry and its own progress has become an urgent problem to be solved. To teacher in an endless stream, booth consulting business and cooperation to Clinical Service Center tumor, rheumatism immunity, endocrine, ophthalmology, cardiovascular clinical monitoring, data management, and in the field of biometric, registration and pharmacovigilance showed great interest, Clinical Service Center oerlikon team warmly received exhibitors, from the perspective of professional positive answer visitors advice, And a comprehensive introduction of the company's business and successful project experience since its establishment.
